This download comes with the individual Minolta preset for Lightroom. This is the only black and white preset being released in the 1977 pack and it’s become a staple to my editing process especially for weddings. I love that this preset is soft but also remains sharp so it doesn’t take the life out of the image with it not being in color.
Your download includes a PDF on how to install your presets to Lightroom Classic and CC so you can use them for both desktop and mobile!
No preset is a one-click solution for 100% of every single photographer's images, but chances are you know that already! Depending on your lighting, white balance, etc. there's a good chance you'll want and/or need to tweak the basic settings for exposure/temperature.
✿✿✿ The mobile packs of the presets can only be used for mobile devices while the desktop pack can be used for both your computers and your mobile devices, so make sure you're downloading the correct one you want when you're checking out! Since each of the preset packs are an instant digital download, we cannot offer any refunds or exchanges. ✿✿✿